CS 199: Even More Practice Spring 2021

Companion Practice Sessions for Programming with CS 125

Session timings with zoom links are posted on the CS 125 Calendar

Ask questions about the class and vote on topics for the next session on the Course Forum.

If you're taking the class for credit make sure to attend 12 sessions. You can find the attendance link here. To submit anonymous feedback, go here. The coding environment for the course will be the course home page.

Spring 2021: EMP

Jackie's Zoom recordings playlist accessible on YouTube.

Akhila's Zoom recordings playlist accessible on YouTube.

Hosted by Jackie Chan and Akhila Ashokan.

Fall 2020: EMP

Also check out week by week Fall2020 Quiz Prep for more reivew and practice problems.

Spring 2019: EMP

Most of the slides are similar to Fall 2018. The newer content (problems + some explainations) for the whole semester combined are here.

Fall 2018: EMP

Completely different from the Fall2020 onwards, so it's new content and another chance to review and look over the same concepts again.

More detailed step by step explainations, high effort diagrams, links to leetcode and new problems.

Lecture recordings playlist Youtube

The source code of the website can be found on Github. Feel free to report issues or even open up a Pull Request.

The Fall 2020 slides are generated from Markdown using an open source tool Marp.

Style sheet inspired from here.